Saturday, June 8, 2019
Video game addiction Essay Example for Free
Video back up dependence EssayThis chapter presents the introduction, background of the call for, statement of the problem, significance of the study, scope and delimitation, the conceptual framework and the interpretation of damage. INTRODUCTION It was not retentive ago when data processors were very big and or so people could not afford to buy one. Over the years, computing machines gravel not sole(prenominal) gotten smaller, but also less expensive and more(prenominal) powerful. Today, m any people can afford to buy their own data processor. You can see a data processor in work some everywhere. Computer is an electronic machine used to process data. It changes data into useful information. It is controlled by commands or instructions. These commands or instructions enumerate it what to do. Computers come in different shapes and sizes and they serve many purposes. They range from the tiny reckoners built into appliances and cars the large mainframe data proces sors used to run big business. This device or computer program provides entertainment by challenging a persons eye-hand coordination or mental abilities.Made possible by the development of the microprocessor, electronic granulars are marketed in various formats, such as hand-held one-player models, cartridges or compact discs that are inserted in modules attached to television sets, computer programs run on personal or ne cardinalrk computers, and freestanding arcade versions. Most of their appeal comes from the computer program that synchronizes flashing lights and a variety of sounds with the movie like animated action visualised on a graphic display. In modern society, it is very greenness in playing computer feistys.Even though computer games are common in our life, they have not only good personal effectuate, but also bad effect, in particular to pupils. Moreover, make up though parents hit the sack that pupils play computer games similarly much, they do not know tha t why pupils are widely excited at computer games, and what the bad effects of computer games are. There are two main causes that pupils play computer games too much. In addition, playing computer games too much has two main effects. The first reason that pupils play computer games too much is very simple, because computer games are very fun. Computer games relieve stress.Therefore, computer games have very splendid violent content. There has long been the believed that violent content may teach violent behaviour to the young. Moreover, Barrie Gunter asserted, Playing computer or tv set games with violent themes results in the heightening of perceptions of risk or danger in the real world, He declared that the power of boob tube or computer games may also be derived from the feeling of control which they perk up in young players. Thus, computer games drive pupils more violent. Besides, pupils could misunderstand that they are computer games character.In the municipality of Atimon an, Quezon are litters of computer shop near the inform site where the computer games are open to play it and the exploreer found step forward that most of those who frequently play computer games are the elementary grades pupils. In fact computer games have effects to the players especially to the churlren. This situation paved the way for the idea to conk out interested in her study and wanted to cast the effects of playing computer games has affect to the pupils pedantic carrying into action. control OF THE PROBLEMThe researcher aimed to determine the effects of computer games in Academic Performance as perceived by the chassis V pupils in Our wench of the Angels academy (OLAA) during the school year 2011-2012. specifically, this seeks to answer the following questions 1. What is the Profile of tally V Pupils in OLAA in scathe of * Sex * Age * Family Monthly Income * Parents Educational Attainment 2. When do they normally play the computer games? 3. Where do they us ually play the computer games per week? 4. How much time do they spend playing computer games per day? 5. Where do they run short money for computer games?6. What kind of computer games-machine do they usually play? 7. What are the perceived effects of computer games on the Grade V Pupils in terms of * Study Habits * Academic Achievement * carnal Skills * Emotional Stability 8. In what aspects do computer games have the most impact? 9. In what aspects do computer have the least impact?STATEMENT OF NULL HYPOTHESIS There is no significant effect of playing Computer plays in the pupils faculty member performance. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE essay In the world of engine room and innovation, computer games have played an important role.There are constantly developing new strategies, techniques such that the games become increasingly appealing and exciting. It is hoped that the result of this study would be a great financial aid to the teachers as well as to the parents for they would know the effects of playing computer games as perceived by Grade V pupils of Our Lady of the Angels Academy Atimonan, Quezon. To the Teachers, The findings of this study will enable the teachers to discover the positive effects of computer games and not see only the damaging side. Since computer is medium of communication.To the parents, the results of this study will be a great help to them especially when they bothered about their children who spend too playing computer games. To the students, the results of this research will surely benefit the students. With this, they will start to realize that computer games can influence their academic performance in school. To the researcher, as a rising teacher will also be the one who can help to encouraging and arouse the interest of the pupils to gain higher grades in the academic and to know the limitations of playing computer games.SCOPE AND DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY In order to gather the academic performance of the students, the resear cher asked permission from the principal and their teacher to get their scholastic performance in order to know how the respondents perform in terms of their academic performance. By means of purposive sampling, the researcher has 34 pupils, 19 (19) male and fifteen (15) female, which calm of only one section of Grade V pupils in Our Lady of the Angels Academy.The researcher only considers the scholastic performance of the Grade IV Pupils of Our Lady of the Angels Academy during 1st to 3rd grading period to get their academic performance. The researcher gets their average grade to determine their overall academic performance. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK A computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem.Generally the effect of Computer Games Specifically the study aims to 1. lift t oo much playing computer Games 2. Avoid low Failing Grades of Academic Performances. 3. Spend much time on studies. 4. Avoid change attitude.RESEARCH PARADIGM DEPENDENT VARIABLES DEPENDENT VARIABLES Perceived Effects of Computer Games in the Academic Performance of Grade IV Pupils of OLAA in terms of * Study Habits * Academic Achievement * Physical Skills * Emotional Stability Perceived Effects of Computer Games in the Academic Performance of Grade IV.Pupils of OLAA in terms of * Study Habits * Academic Achievement * Physical Skills * Emotional Stability MODERATING VARIABLES MODERATING VARIABLES Computer Games * Dota * Crazykart * Farmville * Special Force * CABAl * Ninja Saga * Cityville * Plants vs. Zombie * RAAN * Other , enthral specify Computer Games * Dota * Crazykart * Farmville * Special Force * CABAl * Ninja Saga * Cityville * Plants vs. Zombie * RAAN * Other , disport specify INDEPENDENT VARIABLES INDEPENDENT VARIABLES Profile of Grade IV Pupils of OLAA in terms of* Gend er * Age * Their Computer Games Exposure Profile of Grade IV Pupils of OLAA in terms of * Gender * Age * Their Computer Games Exposure course 1 this figure shows that the Relationship among the Independent Variables, Mode rank Variables and Dependent Variables. Since, this study centered on determining the effects of computer games in the academic performance of the Grade V Pupils, the researcher has developed a paradigm that shows the relationship of the independent variables moderating variables and the dependent variables.Hence, as shown in Figure I, Perceived effects of computer games in the academic performance of the Grade IV pupils (Box 2) is dependent upon their inherent ability to despondence ( Box 1). This is influenced by the dependent ( Box 2) such as the differences academic performance of the pupils. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS To make this study more understand for the readers and to avoid confusion for this research to work. The following terms were defined. * Computer an electronic machine used to process data. It changes data into useful information. It is controlled by commands or instructions.* Academic Performance concerns about the information of study habit, academic achievement, involving scholastic rating and development of cognitive skills, improvement of motor skills, enriching affective skills. * Video Games refers to kind of muscle or mental exercise indulged into by some persons for purposes of relaxation which is incumbent for maintenance of ones health. * Computer Games pertains to the mental exercise using modern devices such as video machine, family computer, Atari, or others which attract younger pupils especially to grade school children.CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents pertinent review of related literature and studies which is relevant to the research. RELATED LITERATURE Today almost all of us have electronic devices at home for us to be comfortable and handy at times. But it also ha s a negative effect on children, especially students. Parents usually buy computers for their children educational resource. But students who always seek to fun activities around them use computer to play games, lecture with their friends and to catch up with the latest gossip on celebrities.And before they know it they are already devoted to computer. Computer can cause students to be physically, and mentally ill, and the more the child spends more time on the computer, the more he or she loses time to focus on academics, and to talk to their family. Computers, video games, and the internet have become entrenched features of our daily lives. Computer use has reached beyond work and is now a major source of fun and entertainment for many people. For most people, computer use and video game play integrated into their lives in a balanced healthy manner.For other time spent on the computer or video game is out of balance, and has displaced work, school, friends, and up to now family . gibe to Gentile (2004), computer games are natural teachers. Children find them highly motivating by meritoriousness of their inter restless nature. Children are actively engaged, provide repeated practice, and include rewards for skilful play. These facts make it likely that computer games could have large effects, some of which are think by game designers, and some of which may not be intended. The data about childrens video game habits are correlated with risk factors for health and with poorer academic performance.When video game play is analyzed for violent content, additional risk factors are observed for aggressive behavior. Fisher (2006) stated that, theres also another theatrical role of computer addiction thats been identified, which has been labelled positive addiction. It may sound like a contradiction of terms, but having a positive addiction is defined as obsessive behavior in which the benefits received outweigh the cost of the addiction. There are many ways in which immersing one into the computer can truly help make a person a better, healthier, more aware human being.Not all the stuff on the Internet is bad, by any means. Theres an incredible wealth of valuable, enriching material available in an endless variety in cyberspace, as well. In addition, there are a growing issuance of researchers who argues that meeting someone online may actually be a more intimate and revealing experience than face to face involvement, because youre communicating your thoughts, feelings, and emotions in a more real way, free of the game playing and posturing that often accompanies real world dating.You get to know the inner person in a more direct, spontaneous way without worrying about facial expressions or inflections of the other persons voice. In a very real way, couples who made their first contact online often know each other in a deeper, more intimate way than couples who meet in the outside world. Further, it is important to remember that even if a person spends a significant amount of time on the computer every day, that doesnt necessarily mean that the person is negatively addicted. Spending a considerable amount of time online doesnt always ruin a persons life or the lives of the other people.There are people who use their computers to reach out to others in a meaningful way and use the awesome power and positive aspects of the Internet to learn and grow in every area of their lives and to become better people. On the other hand, Portal (2007) stated that, compulsive gaming is already considered a psychological roughness. The growing number of students suffering from computer game addiction and video game addiction can be puzzling for many people. What the people dont realize is that any form of addiction roots from affairs that used to be harmless.Just like in gambling, virtual games bring a guts of fun, thrill and excitement when played, these feelings actually make the game more appealing and engaging and addictiv e. The seriousness of video game addiction and computer game addiction has gone unnoticed. It managed to sneak from a good thing that turns out bad due to abuse and bad usage. Moreover, Kranz (2008) stated that the seriousness of the issues caused by computer game addiction and video game addiction was even claimed to have created a new face of addiction in modern-day societies.Since this kind of addiction roots from seemingly harmless sources, what leads to addiction is the peoples abuse to the effects or benefits that they bring. Since no one will ever prevent using computer these days, at work or in school, theorists predict that this kind of disorder will be much harder to manage. When time spent on the computer, playing computer games or cruising the internet reaches a point that is harm a childs or adults family and social relationships, or disrupt school or work life, that person may be caught in a circle of addiction.Like other addiction, the computer or video game has repla ced friends and family as a source of persons stirred life. Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the internet. Time away from the computer or game causes moodiness or withdrawal. RELATED STUDIES accord to Matt cited by Walsh that the most widely used positive impact computer games are said to have on children is that they may improve a players manual dexterity and computer literacy. Ever-improving technology also provides players with better graphics that give a more realistic virtual playing experience.This quality makes the computer game industry a powerful force in many adolescent lives. However, numerous studies show that computer games, especially ones with violent content, make teens more aggressive. In another study conducted by Gentile cited by Anderson that adolescent girls played computer games for an average of 5 arcminutes a week, whereas boys averaged 13 hours a week. According to Anderson cited by Gentile that playing computer games may increase aggressive behavior because violent acts are continually repeated throughout the computer game.This mode of repetition has long been considered an effective teaching method in reinforcing learning patterns. According to Anderson cited by Bushman that games also encourage players to identify with and role plays their favourite character. This is referred to as a first-person video game because players are able to make decisions affecting the actions of the character they are imitating. After a limited amount of time playing a violent video game, a player can automatically prime aggressive thoughts.The researchers concluded that players who had prior experience playing violent video games responded with an increased level of aggression when they encountered confrontation. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY METHOD OF RESEARCH USED This study used descriptive method of research because the descriptive method is designed for the investigator to gat her information, about present existing conditions. It evolves collection of data in order to test or to answer questions concerning the menstruum status of the subject under study which measures the existing phenomenon the students hence the aforementioned research method was adopted.RESEARCH LOCALE The researcher has chosen Our lady of the Angels Academy as her place where the study will be conducted. Our lady of the Angels Academy was located at Quezon Street of Zone I Poblacion in Atimonan, Quezon. It has good place and conducive for the pupils to learn. The community has various resources which support and help the school. The community has a large number of population going to school. RESEARCH SAMPLE The researcher use purposive. She decided to study all Grade-IV pupils of Our lady of the Angels Academy because the total population of Grade IV pupils are twenty-two (22).These selected Grade IV pupils are composed of 22. DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE In order to gather data the ne eded data, the researcher made preliminary steps. The researcher asked permission from the principal of Our Lady of the Angels Academy to allow to conduct her study and to use pupils as respondents. The researcher gave Questionnaire to the pupils and the material bodyroom adviser gave their permission. The direction of the questionnaire was fully explained by the researcher before the class to avoid misinterpretation. After answering, the questionnaire were collected and counted by the researcher.RESEARCH INSTRUMENTATION The researcher uses a survey questionnaire as her main instrument in gathering the inevitable data. This questionnaire is composed of the following partws Part I Respondents Personal Data Part II Computer Games Exposure Part III Effect of Computer Game to the pupils. STATICTICAL TREATMENT In analyzing the data, the Percentage and Weighted Mean Formula as shown on a lower floor was used. P=FNx100 Where P=Percentage F=Total number of responses N=Total number of res pondents WM=5n+4n+3n+2n+nN Where WM=Weighted Mean n=Number of frequency responses N=Total number of respondents.Result was interpreted using the scale below Point Scale Range Interval Description 5 4. 21-5. 00 SA 4 3. 41-4. 20 A 3 2. 61-3. 40 U 2 1. 81-2. 60 D 1 1. 00-1. 80 SD Appendix B1 QUESTIONNAIRE PART I Respondents Personal Data A. SEX Male Female B. AGE 8-10 years old 11-13 years old other, please specify C. FAMILY periodical INCOME less than P 5000 Php. 8000 9000 Php. 5000 6000 Php. 9000 10000 Php. 6000 7000 more than P 10000 Php. 7000 8000 D. EDUCATIONAL progress OF YOUR FATHER Elementary Graduate College Undergraduate. High school Graduate College Graduate E. EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT OF YOUR MOTHER Elementary Graduate College Undergraduate High school Graduate College Graduate PART II COMPUTER GAMES EXPOSURE This part will determine your computer games exposure. please answer honestly. 1. When do you usually play the computer games? d uring Saturday and Sunday before going to school before break time after class hour during my free time 2. Where do you usually play the computer games? at home at amusement center at internet cafe at computer shop other, please specify 3.How much do you spend for computer games? P5. 00-P10. 00 P16. 00-P20. 00 P25. 00-P30. 00 P45. 00 and above 4. How much time do you spend playing computer games? 1-2 hours 5-6 hours 3-4 hours More than 6 hours 5. Where do you get the money you spend for the game? Parents Allowance Savings other, please specify 6. What kind of computer games-machine do you usually play? Family computer Netbook Personal software process (PSP) Laptop Game boy Other, please specify Cellphone 7. What types of computer games do you usually play? DOTA Ninja Saga. Crazykart Cityville Farmville Plants vs. Zombies Special force RAN CABAL other, please specify Part III- EFFECT OF COMPUTER GAME TO THE PUPILS This part will determine the effect of computer games with regards to your study habit, academic achievement, physical skill, and emotional stability. transport check ( / ) the data which correspondent to your answer. WhereSA Strongly Agree= 5 A Agree= 4 UUncertain= 3 DDisagree= 2 SD Strongly Agree= 1 A. STUDY HABITS ITEMS (SA)5 (A)4 (U)3 (D)2 (SD)1 1. I prefer to play computer games first before I make my assignment 2.I love computer games more than I extol my school lessons. 3. I enjoy playing computer games than making my assignment. 4. I spend much time in playing this game than studying my lessons. 5. I skip class just to play computer games. 6. I prefer to play computer games than reading. 7. Computer games make me less interested in studying. 8. I want to play computer games than to learn new things related to my study. 9. When I have a vacant time I always think that I want to play computer games. 10.I am so engrossed in play ing Computer games that I forget the task hand. B. ACADEMIC ACHIVEMENT ITEMS (SA)5 (A)4 (U)3 (D)2 (SD)1 1. I still get good grades in examination although Im an avid player of computer games. 2. Playing computer games help me a lot to improve my analytical skills. 3. I have less time studying because of computer games that is why I participate less in class discussion. 4. I play computer games because it helps me increase my reasoning ability. 5. A computer game helps me improve my mathematical skills. 6.I play computer games because it helps me explore new intelligence information/words. 7. I play computer games because it helps me to be creative. 8. My grade in school is affected because of computer games. 9. I play computer games because it provides indirect opportunities to learn principles that help me in lessons. 10. I play computer games because it helps me to learn follow instruction. C. PHYSICAL SKILLS ITEMS (SA) (A) (U) (D) (SD) 1. Computer games improve my hand coordination. 2. I feel so energetic and active in group activity. 3. After playing computer games, I feel refreshed. 4. Playing computer games helps me improve my eyesight. 5. A computer game helps me in my sense of hearing. 6. It helps me to develop skills involving movement. 7. It helps me to enhance my own unique way. 8. It helps me to develop my gross motor skills. 9. It helps me to grow my progression of developmental milestones. 10. It helps me to progress my own individual skills. D. EMOTIONAL stableness ITEMS (SA)5 (A)4 (U)3 (D)2 (SD)1 1.I feel that computer games it lessen my emotional problems. 2. A computer game helps me not to feel bad whenever my friends are not around. 3. Computer game helps me to gain confidence. 4. Computer game helps me to appreciate the efforts of others. 5. Computer game helps me to understand the behaviours of others whenever bad or goods. 6. It helps me to express my feeling to others. 7. Computer game helps me to share my emotional problems to my parents. 8. Computer games help me to express my opinions and ideas. 9. Computer games help me to respect others. 10. Computer games help me to be independent.Esteban, Clifford P. 2010. The Amazing World of Computers. Quezon City, Philippines PHOENIX Publishing House, Inc. Pgs. 1-. 6 2 . http//education. yahoo. com/reference/encyclopedia/entry/electroG 3 . http//www. scribd. com/effectsofcomputergmes. ph 4 . http//www. scribd. com/effectsofcomputergmes. ph 5 . https//www. oppapers. com/join. php Article Effects of Computer Games 6 . . (www.mediafamily. org/facts/facts_gameaddiction. shtml) 7 . 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Violent Video Games and Hostile Expectations A Test of the General Aggression Model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 1679-1686.
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